WireGuard - Administrator Guide

About WireGuard

WireGuard is a modern VPN protocol that aims to be faster, more secure, and more useful than older solutions like OpenVPN or IPsec.

How To


To connect to the Ecosystem using WireGuard, you will need:

  1. Existing Acreto Ecosystem, if you don’t have one learn how to create it.
  2. Access to Acreto Portal.
  3. A device that you want to connect to the Ecosystem.


  1. Download the WireGuard client from the official site and install it.
  2. Log in to the Acreto Portal.
  3. Open your Ecosystem.
  4. From the left menu choose Objects > Gateways (1) and click on this option.
  5. In the Gateways section, click on the + Add New Gateway button (2)
  6. Fill out the form:
    1. Set gateway type to WireGuard(1)
    2. Input the descriptive name of the gateway e.g. WireGuard-Gateway-01(2)
    3. Choose the category of the gateways as IoT (3)
    4. Set WireGuard Client Local IP 4)
    5. Set Local Networks (5)
    6. Click on the Add button to save the form to add the Gateway.
  7. The newly created Gateway is now available on the list.
  8. Click on the Apply changes button on the top of the screen to commit a new gateway to the Ecosystem.
  9. Wait for the changes to be applied.
  10. Click on the name of created Gateway object to see its details.
  11. Click Generate new private and public key and confirm with yes
  12. Click on “Download configuration” (1) button, and then on Apply your changes link (2)
  13. Open the WireGuard and import the new tunnel from the downloaded configuration file - right click on tunnel list and choose the Import tunnel(s) from file (Crtl+O).
  14. In the WireGuard Client select and activate the tunnel. You should see the Peer section containing the server address and connection details.

At this point, the machine is connected to Acreto Ecosystem by the WireGuard gateway. You may confirm that by checking logs available in Acreto Portal > Logs > Gateways.

See also