Deep Link

To import a profile directly to app from a web browser link, deep link is avalaible with the pattern acreto://

Import Profile using URL

To import from a URL link use the format acreto://import-profile?url=<URL_TO_PROFILE>



Import Profile using Ecosystem Code

To import from a invite Code use the format acreto://import-profile?code=<6_DIGIT_CODE>



Webserver configuration

To make sure that the VPN profile is opened automatically by the Acreto Connect Client, make sure that the webserver that hosts the .ovpn file sends the correct mime media type in the response HTTP header.

If the header is missing, the .ovpn file may be opened as a text file on Android and iOS devices.


On Apache servers update mime.conf file and restart the server:

sudo echo "        AddType application/x-openvpn-profile .ovpn" >> /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mime.conf
sudo systemctl restart apache2

NGINX configuration

On Nginx servers update mime.types file and restart the server:

Edit mime.types config file with your favorite text editor:

nano /etc/nginx/mime.types

Add new mime type

application/x-openvpn-profile .ovpn

Restart the server

sudo systemctl reload nginx


Use any Android or iOS device with Acreto Connect Client installed and tap on the deep link based on your server.

If Acreto Connect Client appeared after the click and the VPN profile is on the list everything works properly.