Ubiquiti Unifi IPsec


In this article, you will learn how to connect to the Acreto ecosystem with your Unifi USG/Edgerouter using IPSec VPN.


  1. Ubiquiti USG/EdgeRouter installation
  2. Ecosystem set up with proper security policies


Step1: Create Gateway for IPsec

Firstly, you will need to create a new Gateway device in the Acreto platform. Instructions on how to create a new Gateway are available here. If you already have one, make sure that it’s IPsec type and jump to How-to.

  1. Name: IPsec connection name must meet the same requirements as the Strongswan connection name (letters and numbers only).
  2. Category: IoT
  3. Type: IPsec
  4. Allow connection from: Empty (describes the source IP address where the IPsec connection will be permitted).
  5. Local Networks: any local network addresses that will be routed through this gateway. Wedge - New Gateway Wedge - New Gateway

To simplify testing, add the IP addresses of all interfaces connected to your gateway as Local Networks (you can use /32 prefix for public interface). This will allow you to test connectivity from the gateway through Acreto by using Ping, Traceroute, or similar tools.

Step 2: Read the IPsec Gateway Values Required for Ubiquiti Configuration from Acreto Ecosystem

To proceed with the Ubiquiti configuration, you will need a few values from an existing committed Acreto Gateway:

  1. Gateway Address
  2. Pre-Shared Key
  3. Recommended Ciphers
  4. Peer ID Wedge - New Gateway Wedge - New Gateway

All of these may be found within the Gateway details panel - view the below animation for further instruction.

Fortigate - VPN wizard panel Fortigate - VPN wizard panel

Step 3: Configure VPN settings on Ubiquiti

  1. Login into Ubiquiti and enter Configuration mode

  2. Enable the auto-firewall-nat-exclude feature which automatically creates the IPsec firewall/NAT policies in the iptables firewall.

    set vpn ipsec auto-firewall-nat-exclude enable.
  3. Create the IKE / Phase 1 (P1) Security Associations (SAs) by providing the following values

    set vpn ipsec ike-group AcretoGate key-exchange ikev2
    set vpn ipsec ike-group AcretoGate lifetime 10800
    set vpn ipsec ike-group AcretoGate proposal 1 dh-group 16
    set vpn ipsec ike-group AcretoGate proposal 1 encryption aes256
    set vpn ipsec ike-group AcretoGate proposal 1 hash sha256
  4. Create the ESP / Phase 2 (P2) SAs.

    set vpn ipsec esp-group AcretoGate lifetime 3600
    set vpn ipsec esp-group AcretoGate proposal 1 encryption aes256
    set vpn ipsec esp-group AcretoGate proposal 1 hash sha256
    set vpn ipsec esp-group AcretoGate compression disable
  5. Execute the below command using values from previous steps: Configure the below steps with values for Gateway address, Preshared key and Peer Id collected in Step 1.

    • GATEWAY_ADDRESS - available in step 1, number 1 on screen.
    • PRE-SHARED KEY - available in step 1, number 2 on screen.
    • PEER ID - available in step 1, number 4 on screen.
    set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS authentication mode pre-shared-secret
    set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS authentication pre-shared-secret PRE-SHARED_KEY
    set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS description ipsec
    set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS authentication id PEER_ID
  6. Copy the WAN IP and router address from the Ubiquiti gateway device Ubiquiti - Wan IP Ubiquiti - Wan IP

  7. Use the above WAN IP and conFigure the Peer with the below commands

    set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS local-address LOCAL_WAN_INTERFACE	
  8. Link the SAs created in the above steps to the remote peer and bind the VPN to a virtual tunnel interface (vti0).

    set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS ike-group  AcretoGate
    set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS vti bind vti0
    set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS vti esp-group AcretoGate
  9. Configure a static route to route gateway address to the internet directly. Use router address copied from step 6.

    set protocols static route GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS next-hop ROUTER_IP_ADDRESS
  10. Configure default static route to send all traffic to Acreto VPN.

    set protocols static interface-route next-hop-interface vti0
  11. Commit the changes and save the configuration.

    commit ; save


Once the VPN connection is successfully established, all the internet traffic will be routed through Acreto.