Acreto Connect Client

About Acreto Connect Client

Acreto Connect Client is a simple application that allows to connect your device to Acreto Ecosystem. It is available on Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.

This client application securely connects and protects remote users, developers, and 3rd party vendors with the Acreto cloud platform. A lightweight client that enables remote users to securely work from anywhere. The client application, when utilized with the Acreto platform, enables both encryption and in-line security to ensure that malicious files and attacks are prevented and removed.

Table of Contents

Subsections of Acreto Connect Client

Import Profile and Establish Connection

Getting started

The first step after installation is the profile import. The profile contains information about the Ecosystem you can connect to.

You may use one of three methods to import the profile:

  1. Import Profile from code
  2. Import Profile from URL
  3. Import Profile from file

After your profile is imported make sure that you established the connection

Import Profile from code

  1. Under the Code option, enter the 6 digit code provided by your system administrator and then click on the button Submit:

import_profile_code import_profile_code

  1. If the profile requires Username and Password to connect, please enter them followed by a click on button Import:

import_profile_credentials import_profile_credentials

  1. All set. The imported profile should be available under the Profiles list.

Import Profile from URL

  1. Select the option URL under the available import options:

import_profile_url import_profile_url

  1. Under the URL field and enter the profile URL provided by your system administrator:

import_profile_url_field import_profile_url_field

  1. If the profile requires Username and Password to connect, please enter them followed by a click on button Import:

import_profile_credentials import_profile_credentials

  1. All set. The imported profile should be available under the Profiles list.

Import Profile from file

  1. Select the option File under the available import options:

import_profile_file import_profile_file

  1. Pick the VPN Profile file provided by your system administrator.

  2. If the profile requires Username and Password to connect, please enter them followed by a click on button Import:

import_profile_credentials import_profile_credentials

  1. All set. The imported profile should be available under the Profiles list.

Establishing connection

To establish the connection with the intended Acreto server, just toggle the connection switch to the On position:

connect_profile connect_profile

Once the connection starts, the switch should be displayed in blue, like in the image below:

connect_profile connect_profile

To disconnect from that VPN connection just toggle the switch back and wait until its color becomes grey again.

List of Supported Operating Systems Versions

Supported Operating Systems

Please note that Acreto Connect Client is designed to work only on operating systems versions that are still receiving support from their respective creators (Microsoft for Windows and Apple for macOS). We support only these operating systems because they provide the necessary network-related structure, standards, and functionalities that Acreto Connect Client relies on for optimal performance and security. Older or unsupported operating systems may not have the requisite features or updates necessary for the proper functioning of the Acreto Connect Client.


  1. Windows 10
  2. Windows 11


  1. macOS Big Sur (11)
  2. macOS Monterey (12)
  3. macOS Ventura (13)

We strongly suggest that users of Acreto Connect Client update their operating systems to the versions the creators support to ensure maximum security, compatibility, and performance.

Edit or Delete Profile

Getting started

If you need to edit details of your connection or completely remove one of the existing profiles use procedures described below.

Editing VPN profile

  1. To Edit a Profile, navigate to the Profile Details:

profile_details_button profile_details_button

  1. Then click on the Edit button located on the top right corner:

profile_edit_button profile_edit_button

  1. Edit the Profile details and then save the changes by clicking the Save button:

profile_edit profile_edit

Deleting VPN profile

To delete a profile, navigate to the Edit Screen as shown in the steps of the Editing VPN Profile section above and then click the button Delete to completely erase the VPN profile from your system:

profile_delete profile_delete



If you getting any issues please check is it one of the below list.

Can’t connect to the Ecosystem



Internet connection breaks when connected to Ecosystem



Cant import the profile



Issue descripion



Android Installation


Please follow the steps below to install Acreto Connect Client:

  1. Go to the download page and click on the Google Play Store image.

  2. Install the Acreto Connect Client application.Install Play Store Install Play Store

  3. Once the application is installed, launch it from your home screen or menu.

  4. All set, now you can start using Acreto Connect Client.

Always-on VPN configuration

Always-on VPN is an Android function that works like an automated service that establishes a connection between the client and the VPN with no user interactions whatsoever. It is a one-time configuration.

How to enable always-on VPN:

  1. Go to device settings
  2. Choose the Connections from the list of options
  3. Swipe up to see More connection settings
  4. Tap on the VPN option
  5. Tap on the Settings icon for Acreto Connect Client.
  6. Turn on the Always-on VPN option
  7. If Andoird will ask for permission grant them.

To test if it works, establish any connection to Acreto Ecosystem and restart your device. After reboot, this connection should be established automatically.

Android will automatically establish a VPN connection to the Acreto ecosystem when needed - for example, after restarting the device. If you have more than one profile in ACC, the most recently used profile will start.

This feature is available for Android 7.0 and above.

Next step

Import profile and connect to the Acreto Ecosystem

MacOS Installation


Please follow the steps bellow to install Acreto Connect Client:

  1. Go to the download page and download client for MacOS.:

  2. Double click on the downloaded installer file:

launch_installer launch_installer

  1. Click Continue to continue installation:

install_screen1 install_screen1

  1. Select the destination of the installation and then click Continue:

install_screen2 install_screen2

  1. Select the installation type and then click Install:

install_screen3 install_screen3

  1. Once installation is completed, just click button Close:

install_screen3 install_screen3

  1. All set, now you can start using Acreto Connect Client.

get_started get_started

Next step

Import profile and connect to the Acreto Ecosystem

ACC Logs Collector

Designed to streamline troubleshooting for Acreto Connect Client VPN issues, the Logs Collector gathers comprehensive log data, aiding Acreto Support Engineers in diagnosing and resolving issues effectively.

When Should I Use the Logs Collector?

The main scenario for the Logs Collector:

  1. Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues: If users report difficulties in establishing or maintaining a VPN connection, logs can provide insights into whether the problem lies with the client, network, or server.
  2. Performance Degradation: When there is a noticeable drop in network performance or speed while using the VPN, collecting logs can help identify bottlenecks or configuration issues causing the slowdown.
  3. Error Analysis: After encountering specific error messages or codes on the VPN client, logs can help decipher the exact nature and cause of these errors.

In essence, a logs collector should be used whenever there is a need to analyze and understand the behavior of the VPN client and the network, diagnose issues, maintain security standards, and ensure optimal performance.

In most of the cases Acreto Support Engenners may ask you to use this tool and share the results, before they start to solving your issue.

How to Use Logs Collector?

Windows Logs Collector

Logs Collector for Windows is a PowerShell script that the User needs to run on the device where the issue occurs. Follow the below procedure:

  1. Download the Logs Collector Script and save it in Download folder.

  2. Run the PowerShell tool with Admin Priveledges:

    1. In the system search bar, type PowerShell
    2. Find the PowerShell on the list
    3. From the options, choose Run as Administrator

  3. Go to the Download where you saved the Logs Collector - paste the below code in the PowerShell terminal

    cd ~\Downloads

    then hit Enter.

  4. Paste the below code in the terminal to temporarily change the Execution Policy.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope LocalMachine

    Confirm the change in the terminal prompt.

  5. Run the Logs Collector Script:


    Press Enter, and confirm that you want to run this script.

  6. Now, the script collects all logs and helpful information for the issue-solving process. From the script output, you can get where the .zip archive with all logs is stored:

  7. This directory should now contain an archive with all the logs.

  8. Restore the old Execution Policy by pasting this code into the PowerShell terminal

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Scope LocalMachine

  9. Share this archive with the support engineers


The Logs Collector tool gathers all information that may be useful in the issue-solving process. It reduces the time needed to collect information from the end-user device.

Windows Installation

Windows version of the Acreto Connect Client may be installed by .EXE file (All Windows versions)

Installing from an EXE file

Please follow the steps bellow to install Acreto Connect Client:

  1. Download the installer available here:

  2. Double click the .exe installer:

launch_installer launch_installer

  1. Select the desired installation options and click Next to continue installation:

setup_config setup_config

  1. Confirm the options and click Install to complete the app installation:

confirm_install confirm_install

  1. Once installation is completed, the following screen should be displayed:

install_completed install_completed

  1. All set, now you can start using Acreto Connect Client.

Next step

Import profile and connect to the Acreto Ecosystem

Tap Adapter Issue

If you are a Windows 11 user, and you can’t connect using Acreto Connect Client you may experience a connection problem similar to one video below.

If you check the logs, you may find the logs with this information:

All tap-windows6 adapters on this system are currently in use or disabled

Cause of a problem

In one of the last updates, Microsoft changed the way of driver verification—all drivers signed in the old way may stop working or start misbehaving.

One of the affected drivers is a TUN/TAP interface driver used by Acreto Connect Client.


Please follow the steps below to solve the issue:

  1. Click Start (or hit the Windows key) to open the Start Menu.
  2. In the search dialog box, type ncpa.cpl and press enter.
  3. You will see the list of all interfaces available in your system.
  4. Seach for any interface with Acreto Connect Client X name (where ‘X’ is a number).
  5. Click the right mouse button on this interface and choose Enable from the list of options.
  6. Go to Acreto Connect Client and try to establish a connection once again.

Next step

This issue may repeat continuously if using the Acreto Connect Client below version 2.9.7. Please repeat the procedure I’ve described any time an issue happens.